Saturday, April 26, 2008

What a cute pouty face. She knows how to win us over.

Kiera is getting so strong. She can sit by herself for short periods.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Playtime with a friend Kailey

Kailey is a friend if ours daughter and she is 3 1/2 months younger than Kiera. They have lots to look forward to growing up together.

Monday, April 7, 2008

5 months old

5 months old and has done so much already. She is so much fun she is giggling, rolling over, grabbing her feet. She fell asleep at the right time when we were out at a nice restaurant in Annoplis, MD. She had her first bon fire at Brady and Kelsey's.

We had a blast.. We took the metro in DC (public transportation).

1 st airplane ride

Kiera and Mommy went to Washington DC to see Brady and Kelsey. Kiera did great on the flight and cooperated very well as we toured our nation's capital. We also witnessed Grandma and Grandpa Gowin finish their first 10 mile Cherry Blossom race. We are so proud.